Action Oriented Advocacy

Once a quarter Melissa & Whitney cover unsolved cases by traveling to the locations where individuals have gone missing or have been murdered in hopes they can help the families bring awareness to their loved one’s case. They have traveled nationwide assisting in various ways including handing out flyers, organizing honk and waves, participating in foot searches, and sharing fundraiser campaigns.

No matter where, no matter who.

Tammy Marie Lynds
Navigating Advocacy Podcast Navigating Advocacy Podcast

Tammy Marie Lynds

The tragic case of Tammy Marie Lynds, born in 1978, unfolds with a mysterious disappearance in the early morning of July 22nd, 1994. Tammy, a 15-year-old aspiring astronaut, left her home to meet her boyfriend but never returned. The initial investigation labeled her as a runaway, hindering a proper inquiry. Four months later, Tammy's remains were discovered near her home, presenting a baffling challenge for investigators as the cause of death remained unknown due to advanced decomposition. Tammy's diary entries possibly revealed key details that might help solve her murder3. The lack of resolution over the years compounds the anguish for Tammy's family, with her father, Richard, passing away without knowing the truth. Melissa and Whitney's recent action-oriented advocacy effort involved a visit to Tammy's grave and the site where she was found, accompanied by a mailout campaign. They are asking the community cooperation and anyone with information is urged to contact the Springfield Police Detective Bureau.

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Shanta Marie Johnson
Navigating Advocacy Podcast Navigating Advocacy Podcast

Shanta Marie Johnson

This quarter we traveled to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. We dove into the mysterious disappearance of Shanta Marie Johnson, a three-year-old girl who vanished without a trace in 1992. Born into a troubled background, Shanta's early life was marked by struggles and uncertainty. Testing positive for cocaine at birth, she was placed in foster care. Shanta was in the process of being adopted by Susan Marie Davis Johnson and Willie Johnson, her foster parents. However, during a family trip to Myrtle Beach, tragedy struck. Susan claimed that she lost sight of Shanta while shopping at a K-Mart department store, and the young girl was never seen again. Despite an extensive search, including divers combing nearby ponds, no trace of Shanta was found.

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Laresha & Wanda Walker
Navigating Advocacy Podcast Navigating Advocacy Podcast

Laresha & Wanda Walker

November 19, 1999, was the start of a Nashville family’s worst nightmare that has continued to get worse over the last 23 years. When 23-year-old LaResha Walker went missing leaving behind her 2-year-old son to be raised by her family it was only the beginning. The Walker family searched for 17 years for any sign of LaResha or her car that to this day has never been seen. Then the unthinkable happened. The matriarch of the family would also disappear in a similar manner but is seemingly unconnected.

What happened to LaResha & Wanda Walker?

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Brandon Lawson
Navigating Advocacy Podcast Navigating Advocacy Podcast

Brandon Lawson

On August 9, 2013, Brandon Lawson disappeared after his truck ran out of gas on the side of Highway 277 just south of Bronte, Texas. A chilling 911 call, unanswered questions and a confusing message are all authorities have to go on.

What happened to Brandon Lawson?

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